Clicking on Products -> All Products menu at the left menu bar or All Products in the middle of dashboard page take you to the manage products page.
This page should show list of all products added in your SKUBubble account.
This page has below list of features as highlighted on the above screenshot.
1. Add New Product – Clicking on Add New button will take you to the page to add new product in the SKUBubble and Clicking on Bulk Import will take you to the page to add products in bulk using CSV import method.
2. Apply Filters – You can filter the list of products at this page based on different filter criteria. Currently you can apply the filter based on SKU, Title, Tags and published channels.
3. Hide out of stock products – By using this option, you can hide the out of stock products from the list of available products.
4. Edit Product – As highlighted on the above screenshot, clicking on title of any product will take you to the page to edit that particular product details.
5. Actions – You can choose one or more than one products and can do different actions under Actions menu:
- Push To Channel – You can push the product to any of the added Channels.
- Export Pricing – Current pricing details of selected products will be exported as CSV file. You can also update pricing in the exported file and using Bulk Import option to update pricings in bulk.
- Export Inventory – Current quantities of selected products will be exported as CSV file. You can also update quantity in the exported file and using Bulk Import option to update quantity in bulk.
- Export Products – Current product data of selected products will be exported as CSV file. You can also update product details in the exported file and using Bulk Import option to update data in bulk.
- Delete – The selected products will be deleted from the SKUBubble.
- Bulk Edit – You can use this feature to update product details of products in bulk.