When you import products from any of the added channels, they will gets added as unmapped listings in the software.
Clicking on Listings -> Unmapped Listings menu at the left menu bar or Unmapped Listings in the middle of dashboard page take you to the unmapped listings page.
Choose the Channel Type and click on the Search button.
This will show current list of all unmapped listings related to selected channel in SKUBubble database.
Here you can do two type of actions for any unmapped listing.
1. Link Product – This option should be used when the product related to unmapped listing is already available in the SKUBubble database and you just want to link them for sync features. Clicking on Link Product button will open the popup (As shown in below screenshot) to choose the related product.
Select the related product and link on Link button to complete the linking process.
2. Create Product – Clicking on this button will create a new product in SKUBubble database based on the unmapped listing.
You can also select multiple unmapped listings to create new products.
Tick the checkbox in front of all unmapped listings for which you want to create new products.
Go to Actions menu and click on Create Products.