Clicking on Channels -> All Channels menu at the left menu bar or All Channels in the middle of dashboard page take you to the channel management page showing all of your added channels in the SKUBubble.

Below are the list of options you can use.

  • Import Products - Clicking on this link for any added channel will initiate the downloading of listings from that channel. If it found any new listings which are not yet available in the software, will be added as unmapped listings. Click here to know how to manage unmapped listings.

  • Configure default channel specific listing data –This section is designed to define common listing specific data to save your time in listing individual products.

    Click on the Setting Icon for any added channel will open screen to configure default channel specific listing data.

Here you can add the default values and click on Save button.

Please note that you can always choose the different values for these configuration for individual products in Edit product section.

  • Unlink channel – If you want to disconnect/Unlink any added channel, click on the Trash Icon in front on that channel as shown in the below screenshot.